Figure 5.
In vivo induction of apoptosis by CL loaded with D-(KLAKLAK)2/G3139 in the tumor-bearing mice. The mice bearing B16(F10) tumors were administered CL loaded with the peptide/G3139 via intra-tumoral injection. At 24 hrs post-injection, apoptotic activity in tumors was accessed by DNA fragmentation with TUNEL staining. Dual channel fluorescence microscopy of frozen tumor sections from in vivo grown-B16(F10) tumors is shown. (a) Tumor section from a non-treated animal (background pattern); (b) Tumor section from an animal injected with CL loaded with D-(KLAKLAK)2/G3139. Intra-tumoral injection of CL loaded with D-(KLAKLAK)2/G3139 led to bright green staining of apoptotic nuclei.