Mixed glial cells were cultured in 100-mm Petri plates (2 × 105 cells/ml). After 24 h, cultures were treated with LOV and various metabolites of the mevalonate-pathway i.e., 0.25 mM of mevalonolactone (MEV), and 5 μM of each geranylgeranyl-PP (GGPP) and farnesyl-PP (FPP) including inhibitors i.e., 5 μM of each GGTI-298, FTI-277 and Y27632, and 40 μg/ml of C3 exoenzyme (C3-EXZ) for the next 24 h followed by treatment with Cyt-Mix. Quantitative real-time PCR shows level of IGF-1 (A), PDGF (B) and CNTF (C) transcripts in treated mixed glial cells at DIV4. Results in plots are expressed as Mean ± SD of three identical experiments. Statistical significance is shown as * p<0.05, *** p<0.001, and NS (non significant) versus Cyt-Mix, and # p<0.05 versus untreated controls.