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. 2009 May-Jun;16(3):e6–e17. doi: 10.1155/2009/872921


Summary of randomized studies on open (OS) and closed suctioning (CS)

Author (reference), study design Description of groups and interventions Outcome measures Summary of main results
Bourgault et al (7), RCO Sample: Positive pressure MV patients, PEEP ≤7.5 cm H2O (n=18)
Intervention 1: OS
Intervention 2: CS, 2 suction passes, 15 s/pass, 30 s on MV between passes, 100% O2 for 1 min (20 breaths) before first pass, 120 mmHg pressure
Heart rate variability
Baroreflex sensitivity
No significant difference between interventions for any outcome measure
Maggiori et al (8), RCO Sample: Patients in ICU with ARDS/ALI requiring MV (n=18)
Intervention 1: suction after disconnection from ventilator (DISCONNECT)
Intervention 2: suction through swivel adaptor of catheter mount (SWIVEL)
Intervention 3: CS
Intervention 4: suction during SWIVEL with PS
Intervention 5: CS with PS
Alveolar recruitment
Greater loss of EELV after DISCONNECT (P<0.001)
Alveolar recruitment decreased after DISCONNECT and SWIVEL (P<0.01) and increased after SWIVEL and CS with PS (P<0.01)
Decrease in SpO2 was greater after DISCONNECT (P<0.01)
Cereda et al (20), RCO Sample: Patients in ICU with ALI requiring MV. PEEP ≥5 cmH2O (range 5–15), with VCV and pharmaceutically paralyzed with hourly boluses (n=10)
Intervention 1: OS
Intervention 2, CS: Alternate randomized suction (OS, CS and CS, OS) with 20 min recovery between suction manoeuvres
Lung volume
Airway pressure
Arterial gases
Heart rate
Arterial pressure
Greater loss of lung volume (P<0.010) and decrease in SpO2 (P<0.05) with intervention 1
Combes et al (21), RCT Sample: Neurosurgical patients requiring MV (n=104)
Group 1 OS (n=54): Suction passes in a single suctioning event used the same catheter following cleansing with sterile solution
Group 2 (n=50): CS For both groups: clean gloves used, suctioned every 2 h, if second suction required, catheter cleaned with sterile solution
Incidence of VAP
Risk of VAP was 3.5 times higher in group 1 versus group 2 (P=0.05)
Lorente et al (22), RCT Sample: Patients in ICU requiring >24 h continuous MV (n=443)
Group 1 (n=233): OS
Group 2 (n=210): CS, both groups received identical strict protocols to minimize risk of VAP
Barrier measures for group 1 only
Incidence of VAP
Microorganisms isolated in VAP
Duration of days on MV
No significant difference for incidence of VAP, microorganisms isolated and days on MV
Group 2 had greater costs (P<0.001)
Lorente et al (23), RCT Sample: Patients in ICU requiring MV (n=457)
Group 1 (n=236): OS, aseptic technique, one catheter for each aspiration
Group 2 (n=221): CS, changed catheter only when necessary (mechanical failure or soiling), used universal precautions
Both groups received identical strict protocols to minimize risk of VAP. Barrier measures for group 1 only
Incidence of VAP
Incidence of VAP/1000 days of MV
No significant difference in incidence of VAP, or incidence of VAP/1000 days of MV
For MV <4 days, cost for group 2 greater than for group 1 (P<0.001). For MV >4 days, cost for group 2 less than for group 1 (P<0.001)
Rabitsch et al (24), RCT System: Patients in ICU requiring MV ≥3 days (n=24)
Group 1 (n=12): OS, using a new catheter for each pass
Group 2 (n=12): CS, catheter replaced every 24 h
Bronchial contamination with gastric juices (cross-contamination)
Incidence of VAP
Group 1 had more cross-contamination and incidence of VAP (P=0.037) Decrease in SpO2 was greater in group 1 (P<0.001)
No significant cross-contamination in group 2
Topeli et al (25), RCT Sample: Patients in MICU requiring MV >24 h (n=78)
Group 1 (n=37): OS performed through a T tube without removing patient from ventilator, using aseptic technique
Group 2 (n=41): CS used repeatedly, changed when grossly contaminated or integrity of catheter was compromised
Incidence of VAP
LOS (in ICU)
Duration of MV
Colonization of MV circuit
No significant difference in VAP, mortality, LOS (in ICU) or duration of MV
Colonization of MV circuit was greater in group 2 (P<0.01)
Lasocki et al (27), RCO Sample: Patients in ICU with ALI requiring MV (n=18)
Part 1 (n=9): Preoxygenation, 100% O2 for 15 min
Intervention 1: OS, −200 cmH2O for 20 s
Intervention 2: CS, catheter inserted in swivel adaptor, −200 cmH2O for 20 s followed by recruitment manoeuvre (20 breaths at 2×VT)
Part 2 (n=9):
Intervention 1: CS at −200 cmH2O
Intervention 2: CS at − 400 cmH2O
For both interventions, suction followed by recruitment manoeuvre (20 breaths at 2 × VT)
Wet aspirate mass
Part 1: Decrease in PaO2 was greater with intervention 1 (P=0.015).
Wet aspirate mass greater with intervention 1 at suction pressure of −200 cmH2O (P=0.03)
Part 2: No significant differences in PaO2 between interventions.
Increase in wet aspirate mass for intervention 2 (P=0.02).
Lee et al (28), RCO Sample: Patients in SICU requiring MV (n=14)
Intervention 1: OS
Intervention 2: CS
For both interventions: 60 s hyperoxygenation, 10 s suction, 30 s hyperoxygenation, 10 s suction, 30 s hyperoxgygenation
Heart rate
ECG rhythm
Intervention 1 elicited higher heart rate and MAP (P ≤ 0.05) and lower SpO2 (P≤ 0.01) during and after suctioning.
Intervention 1 had a greater incidence of arrhythmias (P≤0.05).
NOTE: Query clinical significance of changes
Darvas and Hawkins (29), RCT Sample: Patients in ICU requiring MV (n=101)
Group 1 (n=53): CS (catheter replaced every 24 h)
Group 2 (n=48): CS (catheter replaced every 48 h)
‘Standard suction procedure’ with sterile saline rinse for CS
Incidence of VAP
Duration of MV
No significant difference between groups for any outcome measure.
Quirke (30), RCT System: Patients in ICU requiring MV for > 48 h, (n=73)
Group 1 (n=34): CS (catheter replaced every 24 h)
Group 2 (n=39): CS (catheter replaced every 48 h)
CS catheter tips were examined for colonization at 24 h and 48 h postintubation
Sputum samples were taken at 24 h and 48 h
Colonization of sputum
Colonization of suction catheter tips
No significant difference in number of colonized suction tips, or in number of sputum colonies at 48 h
In colonized tips, greater number of colonies for group 2 (P<0.05)
No significant difference between groups in LOS in ICU or mortality

ALI Acute lung injury; ARDS Acute respiratory distress syndrome; BP Blood pressure; CS Closed suctioning; ECG Electrocardiogram; EELV End-expiratory lung volume; ICU Intensive care unit; LOS Length of stay; MAP Mean arterial pressure; MICU Medical intensive care unit; MV Mechanical ventilation; OS Open suctioning; PaO2 Arterial pressure of oxygen; PEEP Positive end-expiratory pressure; PS Pressure support; RCO Randomized crossover study; RCT Randomized controlled trial; SaO2 Arterial oxygen saturation; SICU Surgical intensive care unit; SpO2 Oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry; VAP Ventilator-associated pneumonia; VCV Volume control ventilation; VT Tidal volume