Figure 6.
Hypomethylation alters neuronal gene expression in mutant cortex in both pre- and postnatal stages. (A and B) The expression of X-linked gene (Magea3, A) and apoptosis-related genes (Gadd45, Casp4, Ngfr, B) in the dorsal cortex of wild type (WT, open bar) or Emx1-cre; Dnmt1 mutant (mut, black bar) mice. (C and D) The expression of layer specific gene (Lhx2, C) and neuronal channels genes (Kcnh5, Kcnj9 and Scnn1a, D) in the dorsal cortex of wild type and mutant mice. Quantitative real-time PCR was performed in cDNAs derived from E14.5 and P5 dorsal cortex of each mouse by using the specific primers. Statistical significance was evaluated by the t-test. Mean ± SEM (n = 3). *P < 0.05.