Figure 6.
Properties of heterologously expressed α2 channels. (a) Current-voltage (I/Vm) relations of α2a channels in the presence of different cGMP concentrations. (b) Dose-response curves for α2a (solid lines) and α2b (dashed lines) at Vm = +60 mV. All currents were normalized to currents at saturating cGMP. For clarity, data points and error bars were omitted from dashed traces. (c) α2 channels are modulated by CaM. Vm was switched from −40 mV to +40 mV in 1-s intervals. The inside-out patch (α2b) was superfused with 100 μM cGMP to record saturating currents, followed by superfusion in 0 μM cGMP. During superfusion with 3 μM cGMP for 1 min, the current stayed constant. With 3 μM cGMP and 1 μM CaM, the current decreased by roughly 50% within 30 s. The current at saturating cGMP (100 μM) was not altered by CaM.