Smf1p and suppression of oxidative damage by bsd2 Δ mutations.
A) Total cellular manganese from three independent cultures was analyzed in the indicated strains grown in complete SC medium as described in Fig. 2B. B) The indicated strains were grown 15 hours non-shaking in SC medium containing lysine, but lacking or supplemented with methionine as designated. Total cell growth was monitored as a function of absorbance at 600 nm. Values represent the average of three independent cultures with error bars representing standard deviation. C) 104 and 103 cells of the indicated strains were spotted onto enriched YPD medium and incubated for 3 days either in air or in anaerobic culture jars. D) Strains were pre-grown overnight in complete SC medium under anaerobic conditions; cultures were then diluted to O.D.600nm = 0.1 in the same medium and monitored for aerobic growth under well-aerated conditions for the indicated time points. Strains utilized: sod1Δ, KS107; sod1 Δ bsd2 Δ, XL110; sod1 Δ bsd2 Δ smf1 Δ, XL111; sod1 Δ bsd2 Δ smf2 Δ, MC127.