Tangential and radial longitudinal light-microscope sections of woody Spermacoceae showing intervessel pits (C, D) and ray characters. (A–C) Tangential sections; (D–F) radial sections. (A) Arcytophyllum setosum, rayless wood. (B) Spermacoce macrocephala, abundance of uniseriate rays with upright cells. (C) ‘Hedyotis’ trichoglossa, intervessel pits alternate (horizontal arrow), ground tissue mostly consisting of septate libriform fibres (vertical arrows), intervessel pitting alternate. (D) ‘Hedyotis’ trichoglossa, simple perforation (vertical arrow), wide scalariform intervessel pitting (horizontal arrows). (E) Nesohedyotis arborea, upper ray with many procumbent body ray cells (arrows). (F) Kadua cordata, ray consisting of upright cells.