Fig. 6.
Live/dead discrimination of E. coli after incubation with either polymyxin B, miconazol or both substances in combination for 18 h. Cells were analysed by flow cytometry using a double colour staining consisting of SYTO9 and PI. Dot plots on the left show the whole cell populations, where green dots represent live cells and red dots denote dead cells. Dot plots on the right illustrate the bacterial populations separated into two regions B and C with B representing the dead cells (red, FL3), and C corresponding to the living cell population (green, FL1). Cells in B and C are displayed as % of the total population A. E. coli untreated (a), E. coli treated with 2,93 μg/ml miconazole (b), with 2.93 μg/ml polymyxin B (c), with 1.46 μg/ml miconazole plus 1.46 μg/ml polymyxin B (d)