Fig. 3.
ASTQ analyses. The relative amount of mRNA species carrying the C or the G allele at position rs4914 isolated from freshly prepared human PBMC samples was analyzed by RFLP and by 5′-nuclease assays using allele-specific probes. a RFLP data for all seven double heterozygous individuals are given as the ratio of rs4914 C/G alleles. Samples for two individuals homozygous at position rs2569190 (#8 and #9) as well as corresponding gDNA samples served as controls. cDNA samples that had been adjusted for the amount of CD14 mRNA by quantitative gene expression assays were mixed at various ratios yielding expected C/G ratios. Haplogenotypes are indicated. b 5′-Nuclease assays were performed in triplicates. Data from one representative determination are given for two representative samples (#5 and #6; top), for two homozygous controls (#8 and #9; middle), and for a control of the imprinted gene SNPRN for genomic and cDNA and for HaploChIP material (bottom). ΔCT values for the rs4914 C (blue) and G alleles (red) in cDNA samples were not significantly different from the respective gDNA control