Table 1.
Name | Attribute |
Race | Persons who are Black, American Indian, Alaskan Native, other Pacific Islander, Asian, Native Hawaiian, some other or two or more races |
Families Living in Poverty | Families income in 1999 below poverty |
Hispanic or Latino Origin | Persons who identify themselves as, Mexican, Puerto Rican, or Cuban as well as those who indicated that they were "other Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino." |
Median Income | Income below $41,994 in 1999 |
Lacking Complete Plumbing Facilities | Lacking all of the following; hot & cold piped water, flush toilet and a bathtub or shower (in the housing unit) |
Renter Occupied | Occupied units which are not owner occupied, whether rented for cash rent or without payment of cash rent |
Occupation (Includes white collar and blue collar trades) | Persons 16 and over employed in management, financial, business and related professional occupations; Persons 16 or older employed in farming, agriculture, forestry, mining, construction, manufacturing, wholesale, retail trade, transportation, utilities, food service or other laborer type occupations |
Total Population | All people, male, female, child, and adult living in a given geographic area |
Education | Persons 18 or older with a high school diploma or less education; bachelor degree; and graduate or professional degree |
Foreign Born | Persons who were born outside of the US, includes, naturalized and non-citizens. |