Frequency histogram of the SP2/0 cells obtained with a device of
h = 30 μm, as compared with that obtained by
conventional laser flow cytometry. The ungated histogram shows two
major peaks, one centered at 12.3 fF, corresponding to
G0/G1 phase, and one centered at 23.0 fF,
corresponding to G2/M phase. The distribution of cells at
capacitances less than 10 fF correspond to hypodiploid cells; the
distribution of cells at capacitances greater than 27 fF is due to
hyperdiploid cells. Based on the histogram obtained, we judged that
approximately 48% are in G0/G1 phase, 30%
are in S phase, and 22% are in G2/M phase. This cell
cycle distribution is comparable to that obtained by conventional flow
cytometry. (Inset) Histogram obtained via conventional
flow cytometry. The data have been gated and do not include hypo- and
hyperdiploid cells. Two peaks at fluorescence channels 190 and 380
correspond to G0/G1 and G2/M
phases, respectively.