Fig. 2.
Deactivation and the fully activated I–V relation. (A) Representative traces of WT (Ai) and N588K (Aii) IhERG1a/1b elicited by the protocol shown in the inset. (B) Plots of the fast (Bi) and slow (Bii) time-constants of deactivation for WT and N588K hERG1a/1b against membrane potential (n = 7, for each). Biii shows proportion of deactivation that can be attributed to the fast component for WT and N588K hERG1a/1b (n = 7). (C) The peak Itail for WT and N588K hERG1a/1b plotted against the respective membrane potential and normalised to the peak outward Itail observed for each individual cell (n = 7).