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. 2009 May 13;47(7):2281–2283. doi: 10.1128/JCM.02256-08


Comparison of BD GeneOhm MRSA PCR using swabs extracted in 300 μl of achromopeptidase to MRSASelect culturea

PCR result No. of specimens with culture result
Total no. of specimens
Positive Negative
Positive 21 3 24
Negative 2 298 300
Total 23 301 324

The following determinations for PCR used MRSASelect as the reference assay: sensitivity, 21/23(91%); specificity, 298/301 (99%); positive predictive value, 21/24 (88%); and negative predictive value, 298/300 (99%). The three samples that remained PCR inhibited after the freeze-thaw were excluded from this analysis.