Spatially resolved x-ray absorption near-edge spectra recorded by using
a 100 × 100 μm2 beam from selected portions of
mature (Top), intermediate (Middle), and
young (Bottom) leaves. The spectra of selenate and
selenomethionine (org. Se) are also included. The Insets
show maps of the percentage of total Se as organoselenium (balance
selenate) and indicate the spatial location for the spectra. The
percentages of selenate in each leaf specimen as determined by
near-edge fitting for a (stem), b (petiole), c (mid-vein), and d (leaf
blade) respectively are: mature 36, 0, 69, 88; intermediate 3, 0, 7,
28; young 3, 0, 1, 1. Spectra from two locations on the root (main part
of the root, and a high-concentration spot, data not shown) both
yielded 0% selenate.