Lipocalin 2 is inducible in HBE. Air-liquid interface cultures of HBE1 (A) or NHBE (B) were stimulated on the basolateral surface with IL-17A, IL-17F, or both, with and without synergistic TNF-α. In each panel, Western blot analysis of cell lysates using monoclonal anti-lipocalin 2 detects a 25-kDa protein shown in the top blot. Bottom blot in each section shows the results of probing the same blot with anti-GAPDH. Densitometry results from Western blots run on three replicates (A) or three patients (B) are above each gel in both panels. In each set, relative intensities were determined by taking absolute intensities quantified from the Western blot and dividing by the absolute intensity of the unstimulated lane on that blot.