Arrest of LFC differentiation following Pax6 loss is not mediated by
upregulation of Sox2. (A) Sox2lox targeting
vector and somatic deletion allele. The neo selection cassette is
flanked by frt sites (blue triangles). The single Sox2 exon
is flanked by loxP sites (green triangles). (B-M′) Cre-mediated
deletion results in the Sox2Δ allele.
Sox2lox/lox;Pax6lox/lox control (B-G) and
Sox2lox/lox;Pax6lox/lox;Mlr10 E14.5 double
somatic mutant (H-M′) mouse lenses analyzed by H&E staining (B,H)
and antibody labeling for Sox2 and Ap2α (C,I, green and red,
respectively), phosphohistone H3 (PH3, red in D,J,J′),
αA-crystallin (E,K), β-crystallin (F,L) and cleaved caspase 3
(cCas, red in G,M,M′). Counterstaining was with DAPI (D,F,G,J,L,M).
Arrows indicate the lens equator, arrowheads to the aberrant cells in the lens
posterior. LE, lens epithelium; re, retina. Scale bar: 100 μm.