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. 2009 Jul 24;5(7):e1000526. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000526

Table 1. MOS4-associated proteins identified by mass-spectrometry.

AGI Protein H. sapiens S. cerevisae S. pombe NTC Reference
NTC Core Proteins
AT1G09770 AtCDC5/MAC1; R2-R3 Myb transcription factor CDC5L Cef1p Cdc5p [18], [20][25],[43],[51]
AT1G04510 MAC3A; PUB; WD-40 repeat family hPrp19/SNEV Prp19p Cwf8p [18], [20][25],[43],[51]
AT2G33340 MAC3B; PUB; WD-40 repeat family hPrp19/SNEV Prp19p Cwf8p [18], [20][25],[43],[51]
AT3G18165 MOS4; protein-protein interactions SPF27/BCAS2 - - Cwf7p [18],[20],[24],[25],[43]
AT4G15900 PRL1/MAC2; WD-40 repeat family PLRG1/PRL1 Prp46p/Cwc1p Prp5p/Cwf1p [18], [20], [22][25],[43],[51]
Other NTC associated proteins
AT1G07360 zinc finger (CCCH-type) family protein; RNA binding RBM22 Ecm2p Ecm2p [20], [23][25],[51]
AT1G77180 chromatin protein family SKIP/SNW Prp45p Prp45p/Cwf13p [20], [22][25]
AT2G38770 EMB2765; helicase KIAA0560 - - Cwf11p [24],[25]
AT3G18790 similar to two coiled coil domains of eukaryotic ori hIsy1 Isy1p/Ntc30p Cwf12p [20][24]
AT5G28740 transcription-coupled DNA repair-related; RNA processing hSyf1/XAB2 Syf1p Cwf3p [20][24],[51]
AT5G41770 cell cycle control crooked neck protein-like; RNA processing Clf1p/CRN/Syf3 Clf1p/Syf3 Cwf4p [22],[24],[25],[51]
Predicted splicing-related proteins
AT1G06220 CLO/GFA1/MEE5; translation elongation; nucleic acid binding U5-116kD Snu114p Cwf9p [20], [22][25],[51]
AT1G10580 WD-40 repeat family; nucleotide binding Cdc40/Dhx38 Prp17p/Cdc40p Prp17p [20], [22][25]
AT1G15200 protein-protein interaction regulator family pinin - - - - [24]
AT1G20960 EMB1507; DEAD-box helicase U5-200kD Brr2p Brr2p [20], [22][25]
AT1G32490 EMB2733/ESP3; DEAD-box like helicase hPrp2/DHX16 Prp2p Cdc28p [22],[24]
AT1G80070 SUS2/EMB177; embryogenesis U5-220kD Prp8p Cwf6p [20], [22][25],[51]
AT2G43770 WD-40 repeat family; nucleotide binding U5-40kD - - Cwf17p [20],[22],[24]
AT5G64270 putative splicing factor similar to RCN1; PP2A regulator U2-SAP155 Hsh155 Sap155 [18],[22],[25]
Unrelated proteins/Possible contaminants
AT3G15730 PLDα1; hormone response - - - - - - - -
AT3G20820 LRR family; defense response - - - - - - - -
AT3G60190 ADL1E/DRP1E/EDR3; GTPase; defense response DNM1 - - - - - -
AT4G19410 putative pectin acetylesterase; carboxylesterase activity - - - - - - - -
AT5G42080 ADL1A/DRP1A/RSW9; GTPase DNM1 - - - - - -

Nuclear extracts from complementing mos4-1 plants expressing PMOS4-MOS4-HA were immunoprecipitated using anti-HA beads, separated by SDS-PAGE and silver-stained (Figure 1C). The MOS4-HA IP lane was cut into eight pieces, digested, and the proteins contained were analyzed by mass-spectrometry. Sequenced peptides were used as queries in BLAST searches against the 2007 version of the Arabidopsis genome. Proteins with strong or partial homology to Arabidopsis proteins from other eukaryotes are listed in the columns to the right. Proteins are divided into sections according to their sequence homology to known NTC- or NTC-associated proteins, based on a previous computational organization [34]. Dashes indicate that no proteins with significant homology were identified by BLAST. Abbreviations: ADL: Arabidopsis dynamin-like protein; BCAS: Breast carcinoma sequence; BRR: Bad response to refrigeration; CDC: Cell division cycle; CEF1: S. cerevisiae homolog of cdc5(+); CLF: Crooked neck-like factor; CLO: Clotho; CRN: Crooked neck pre-mRNA splicing factor-like; CWC: Complexed with Cef1p; CWF: Complexed with Cdc5p; DHX: DEAH-box; DNM: Dynamin; DRP: Dynamin-related protein; EDR: Enhanced disease resistance; EMB: Embryo lethal; ESP: Enhanced silencing phenotype; GFA: Gametophytic factor; HSH: Human Sap homolog; ISY: Interactor of Syf; LRR: Leucine-rich repeat; MAC: MOS4-associated complex; MEE: Maternal effect embryo arrest; MOS: Modifier of snc1; NTC: Nineteen complex; PLDα: Phospholipase D alpha; PP2A: Protein phosphatase type 2A; PRL/PLRG: Pleiotropic regulating locus; PRP: Precursor mRNA processing; RBM: RNA binding motif; RCN: Roots curl in NPA; RSW: Radial swelling; SAP: Splicing associated protein; SKIP: Ski-interacting protein; SNEV: Senescence evasion factor; SNU: Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein associated; SNW: “SNW” domain; SPF: Spliceosome-associated protein; SUS: Abnormal suspensor; SYF: Synthetic lethality with Cdc40; XAB: XPA-binding protein.