Figure 1.
Increase in Na+ currents in response to aminoglycosides and siRNA against eRF3a in HEK293 cells transfected with nonsense mutants of SCN5A. (A) Distribution of nonsense mutations in the structure of the Nav1.5 channel. (B) Whole-cell Na+ currents (INa) elicited by the voltage protocol shown in the inset. The dotted lines indicate the zero current level. (C) Comparison of maximal INa (INa,max). WT, WT + W822X, and W822X: cells transfected with wild-type and nonsense mutants of SCN5A; 0, no drug or no siR; G, G418; gm, gentamicin; siR, cells co-transfected with the vector producing siRNA against eRF3a. Asterisk indicates a significant difference between the untreated group and all treated groups of a given mutant.