Fig. 5.
Spatial distribution of metabolic abnormalities in cortical malformations. Left side: All voxels fulfilling the criteria for “malformation” indicated by pale gray squares on the MRSI slice with the best coverage of the malformation. On the right side, voxels outside the 95 % prediction interval. (a) Patient 1: “Middle slice”: Right side: Black squares: decreased NAA; white squares: increased Cho; dark gray: decreased NAA and increased Cho. (b) Patient 3. “Middle slice”: Right side: Black squares: decreased NAA; white squares: decreased NAA/Cr. (c) Patient 7: “Middle slice”: Right side: White squares: increased Cho; dark gray: increased Cho and decreased NAA/Cr. (d) Patient 8: “Middle slice”: Right side: Black square: NAA decreased; white squares: Cho decreased; dark gray: Cr increased; middle gray: two of three, i.e. NAA, Cr or Cho changed. Changes of NAA/Cr, NAA/Cho were also found in this patient but are not indicated