Figure 5.
Test of the ability of nucleotide triplets in h•Z to perform as exogenous IGSs. Here, covalent self-assembly was assayed when 2 μM V•X•Y was incubated with 2 μM h•Z for 2 h at 42°C. In the ‘wild-type’ scenario, neither the h nor the Z portions of h•Z contained any mutations, as in Figure 2B. Self-assembly is achieved when an exogenous IGS in the Z portion is utilized, such as GUG5 at positions 183–185 (depicted). In the ‘mismatch’ scenario, the h was mutated from GGCAU to GGCUU, while an A182U mutation was simultaneously made to destroy a fortuitous exogenous IGS triplet of GAG. Self-assembly was abolished, but could be fully restored in the ‘rescue’ scenario when this second mutation was not present.