Two typical heterogeneity-dominant unfolding simulations averaged over
50 hairpins for the single (Top) and double
(Middle) heterogeneity case. The system starts in the native
state, and the parameters are chosen to lie above the crossover curve
in Fig. 4a
(kBT/V1 = 0.19,
δV1 = 0.4V1) and Fig. 5a
(kBT/V1 = 0.192,
δV1 = V2 = 0.3
V1). (Bottom) The typical
heterogeneity-dominant folding in the double-heterogeneity case
(kBT/V1 = 0.13,
δV1 = V2 = 0.4V1),
performed by temperature quenching. The local interstrand distance at
residue i is defined as the average of
〈|x⃗i|〉/r0 and
indicated by the color map (deep blue, folded; red, totally unfolded;
dark red, 〈|x⃗i|〉/r0
≥ 3.0). Time is in arbitrary units.