(a) The typical free energy profiles for the hetero- and
β-turn droplets at a Tf point indicated by the
hollow arrow in b, in the double heterogeneity case. The
barriers for the unfolding transition are indicated by Δ. Note that
the folding barrier (the hollow arrow) is different from the unfolding
one in the hetero-droplet. Here n = 10, γ = 3,
ν = 10−4, and δV1 =
V2 = 0.4V1. (b) The
typical crossover diagram. The solid curve, the ◊, and the
long-dashed curve have the same meanings as in Fig. 4. Because the
rate-limiting barriers are different for un/folding, there is a
“discontinuity” (jump) in the crossover curve (indicated by the
hollow arrow). (c) The difference ΔΔF =
ΔFd − ΔFQ between the droplet
analysis (ΔFd) and the single reaction
coordinate landscape (ΔFQ) as a function of
heterogeneity strength; this curve is based on data of the type shown
in d for the specific value δV1 =
V2 = 0.3V1. Note that the droplet
analysis, although dependent on a single coordinate Q, does
not lump together all states with a given number of contacts.