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. 2009 Jun 14;18(4):283–293. doi: 10.1136/tc.2008.028753

Table 1. Basic patients’ characteristics and comparison between Emergency Department-initiated tobacco control (ETC) group and control group in patients with complete baseline screening, n = 1012.

Parameter All patients ETC group Control group p Value
n = 1012 (100%) n = 505 (49.9%) n = 507 (50.1%)
Age in years, median (range) 30 (18–78) 29 (18–78) 30 (18–72) 0.35
Gender, n (%):
Male 614 (60.7) 308 (61.0) 306 (60.4) 0.84
Female 398 (39.3) 197 (39.0) 201 (39.6)
Motivation to change smoking behaviour, n (%)*:
Unmotivated smokers 557 (55.0) 280 (55.4) 277 (54.6)
Ambivalent smokers 327 (32.3) 163 (32.3) 164 (32.3) 0.73†
Motivated smokers 128 (12.6)‡ 62 (12.3) 66 (13.0)‡
No. of cigarettes smoked per day during the last 7 days, median (range) 15 (1–60) 15 (1–60) 16 (1–50) 0.04
Nicotine dependency, n (%)§:
Low 424 (41.9) 222 (44.0) 202 (39.8)
Medium 241 (23.8) 112 (22.2) 129 (25.4) 0.36†
High 347 (34.3) 171 (33.9)‡ 176 (34.7)‡
Smoking duration, n (%):
<1 year 25 (2.5) 16 (3.2) 9 (1.8)
1–3 years 81 (8.0) 41 (8.1) 40 (7.9) 0.39†
4–10 years 386 (38.1) 191 (37.8) 195 (38.5)
>10 years 520 (51.4) 257 (50.9) 263 (51.9)‡
Age of smoking onset, n (%):
<14 years 151 (14.9) 80 (15.8) 71 (14.0)
14–16 years 375 (37.1) 192 (38.0) 183 (36.1)
17–18 years 227 (22.4) 105 (20.8) 122 (24.1) 0.36†
19–30 years 245 (24.2) 121 (24.0) 124 (24.5)
>30 years 14 (1.4) 7 (1.4) 7 (1.4)‡
Attempts to quit smoking during the last 12 months, n (%):
None 584 (57.7) 275 (54.5) 309 (60.9)
1 232 (22.9) 126 (25.0) 106 (20.9) 0.08†
2–5 159 (15.7) 84 (16.6) 75 (14.8)
>5 37 (3.7) 20 (4.0)§ 17 (3.4)
Partner smoking, n (%):
No 280 (27.7) 134 (26.5) 146 (28.8)
Yes 434 (42.9) 217 (43.0) 217 (42.8) 0.66
No partnership 298 (29.4) 154 (30.5) 144 (28.4)
Hazardous alcohol consumption, n (%)¶:
Yes 349 (34.5) 177 (35.0) 172 (33.9) 0.71
No 663 (65.5) 328 (65.0) 335 (66.1)
Illicit drug use (last 12 months), n (%):
None 614 (60.7) 299 (59.2) 315 (62.1)
1–3 times 158 (15.6) 83 (16.4) 75 (14.8) 0.58†
4 times up to weekly 131 (12.9) 70 (13.9) 61 (12.0)
Several times per week to daily 109 (10.8) 53 (10.5) 56 (11.0)‡
Types of drugs in illicit drug users (n = 398), n (%):
Cannabis only 201 (50.5) 104 (50.5) 97 (50.5)
Ecstasy/designer drugs only 15 (3.8) 4 (1.9) 11 (5.7) 0.18
Cocaine only 1 (0.3) 1 (0.5) 0 (0.0)
All other combinations 181 (45.5)‡ 97 (47.1) 84 (43.8)
School education, n (%):
Discontinued 13 (1.3) 10 (2.0) 3 (0.6)
10 years 484 (47.8) 232 (45.9) 252 (49.7) 0.18
11–13 years 501 (49.5) 256 (50.7) 245 (48.3)
In school education 14 (1.4) 7 (1.4) 7 (1.4)
Current occupation, n (%):
Full time working 495 (48.9) 252 (49.9) 243 (47.9)
Unemployed 96 (9.5) 47 (9.3) 49 (9.7) 0.82
All other 421 (41.6) 206 (40.8) 215 (42.4)
Marital status, n (%):
Married, living with the partner 153 (15.1) 68 (13.5) 85 (16.8)
Married, living separate 34 (3.4) 19 (3.8) 15 (3.0) 0.42
Widowed/divorced 82 (8.1) 39 (7.7) 43 (8.5)
Single 743 (73.4) 379 (75.0) 364 (71.8)‡
Size of household, n (%):
1 person 388 (38.3) 210 (41.6) 178 (35.1) 0.03
>1 person 624 (61.7) 295 (58.4) 329 (64.9)
Net family income/month, n (%):
Below average** 473 (46.7) 239 (47.3) 234 (46.2) 0.54
Above average** 298 (29.4) 141 (27.9 157 (31.0)
No data 241 (23.8)‡ 125 (24.8) 116 (22.9)‡
Family doctor, n (%):
Yes 724 (71.5) 359 (71.1) 365 (72.0) 0.75
No 288 (28.5) 146 (28.9) 142 (28.0)
Visits to the family doctor (last 12 months) in patients with a family doctor (n = 724), n (%):
None 63 (8.7) 28 (7.8) 35 (9.6)
1 or 2 353 (48.8) 173 (48.2) 180 (49.3) 0.32†
3 or more 308 (42.5) 158 (44.0) 150 (41.1)
Medical status, n (%):
Surgical 485 (47.9) 238 (47.1) 247 (48.7) 0.61
Internal 527 (52.1) 267 (52.9) 260 (51.3)

Significant values are in bold.

*“When do you wish to stop smoking?” (“not within the next 6 months” = unmotivated smokers, “within the next 6 months but not within the next 4 weeks” = ambivalent smokers and “within the next 4 weeks” = motivated smokers); †Mantel–Haenszel test for trend; ‡does not sum up to 100% because of rounding error; §measured with the Fagerstroem test for nicotine dependency; “low” = 0–2 points, “medium” = 3–4 points, “high” = 5–10 points; ¶measured with the AUDIT-PC questionnaire; “no” = 0 to 4 points, “yes” = 5 to 20 points; **average = mean net household income per month in Berlin in 2004 (ie, €1725).29

AUDIT-PC, Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test – Primary Care.