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. 2009 Jun 14;18(4):283–293. doi: 10.1136/tc.2008.028753

Table 2. Age, gender and smoking related variables stratified according to the motivation to change behaviour in patients with complete baseline screening, n = 1012.

Parameter Stratified according to the motivation to change smoking behaviour at baseline* p Value
Unmotivated smokers Ambivalent smokers Motivated smokers
n = 557 (55.0%) n = 327 (32.3%) n = 128 (12.6%)†
Age in years, median (range) 29 (18–72) 30 (18–73) 30.5 (19–78) 0.48‡
Gender, n (%):
Male 339 (60.9) 192 (58.7) 83 (64.8) 0.70§
Female 218 (39.1) 135 (41.3) 45 (35.2)
No. of cigarettes smoked per day during the last 7 days, median (range) 15 (1–60) 16 (1–50) 10 (1–60) 0.12‡
Nicotine dependency, n (%)¶:
Low 229 (41.1) 138 (42.2) 57 (44.5) 0.49§
Medium 133 (23.9) 79 (24.2) 29 (22.7)
High 195 (35.0) 110 (33.6) 42 (32.8)
Smoking duration, n (%):
<1 year 6 (1.1) 8 (2.4) 11 (8.6) 0.003§
1–3 years 45 (8.1) 23 (7.0) 13 (10.2)
4–10 years 212 (38.1) 128 (39.1) 46 (35.9)
>10 years 294 (52.8)† 168 (51.4)† 58 (45.3)
Age of smoking onset, n (%):
<14 years 83 (14.9) 46 (14.1) 22 (17.2) 0.043§
14–16 years 224 (40.2) 112 (34.3) 39 (30.5)
17–18 years 122 (21.9) 78 (23.9) 27 (21.1)
19–30 years 123 (22.1) 87 (26.6) 35 (27.3)
>30 years 5 (0.9) 4 (1.2)† 5 (3.9)
Attempts to quit smoking during the last 12 months, n (%):
None 411 (73.8) 143 (43.7) 30 (23.4) <0.001§
1 89 (16.0) 97 (29.7) 46 (35.9)
2–5 44 (7.9) 80 (24.5) 35 (27.3)
>5 13 (2.3) 7 (2.1) 17 (13.3)†
Partner smoking, n (%):
No 134 (24.1) 99 (30.3) 47 (36.7) 0.083
Yes 261 (46.9) 130 (39.8) 43 (33.6)
No partnership 162 (29.1)† 98 (30.0)† 38 (29.7)

Significant values are in bold.

*“When do you wish to stop smoking?” (“not within the next 6 months” = unmotivated smokers, “within the next 6 months but not within the next 4 weeks” = ambivalent smokers and “within the next 4 weeks” = motivated smokers); †does not sum up to 100% because of rounding error; ‡Jonckheere–Terpstra test; §Mantel–Haenszel test for trend; ¶measured with the Fagerstroem test for nicotine dependency; “low” = 0–2 points, “medium” = 3–4 points, “high” = 5–10 points.