Table 2.
Single-Equation Estimation Results for Gambling Outcomes Past Year
Explanatory Variables | Any Gambling Related Problemsa | Number of Gambling-Related Problems (conditional)b | Number of Gambling-Related Problems (unconditional)c |
Baseline Means/Proportions | 0.030 | 2.275 | 0.069 |
Weekly or more frequent drinking | 0.013*** [0.009,0.018] |
0.041 [-0.214,0.296] |
0.036*** [0.021,0.051] |
Legalized casinos in state of residence | 0.008** [0.002,0.014] |
-0.062 [-0.312,0.187] |
0.016* [-0.001,0.033] |
Male | 0.016*** [0.011,0.020] |
-0.083 [-0.357,0.192] |
0.036*** [0.024,0.048] |
Age | 0.0004 [-0.0002,0.001] |
0.018 [-0.025,0.061] |
0.001 [-0.001,0.003] |
Age squared | -0.001** [-0.001,-0.00004] |
-0.026 [-0.071,0.019] |
-0.001 [-0.003,0.0005] |
African American | 0.007** [0.001,0.013] |
0.367* [-0.052,0.787] |
0.033*** [0.009,0.056] |
Other race except White | 0.014** [0.001,0.027] |
0.286 [-0.268,0.839] |
0.041** [0.007,0.075] |
Hispanic | -0.006** [-0.011,-0.0004] |
0.046 [-0.331,0.424] |
-0.013 [-0.030,0.004] |
Foreign born | -0.013*** [-0.018,-0.007] |
0.079 [-0.514,0.671] |
-0.032*** [-0.055,-0.009] |
Divorced/Separated/Widowed | 0.007** [0.001,0.013] |
0.342* [-0.028,0.713] |
0.026** [0.004,0.048] |
Single | 0.007*** [0.003,0.012] |
0.364* [-0.027,0.756] |
0.029*** [0.010,0.049] |
High school education | -0.002 [-0.009,0.004] |
-0.090 [-0.463,0.283] |
-0.011 [-0.033,0.011] |
Some post-secondary education | -0.006* [-0.013,0.001] |
-0.220 [-0.593,0.154] |
-0.024** [-0.048,-0.001] |
University degree | -0.016*** [-0.023,-0.009] |
-0.215 [-0.617,0.188] |
-0.050*** [-0.076,-0.024] |
Currently employed | 0.003 [-0.003,0.009] |
0.159 [-0.274,0.593] |
0.010 [-0.008,0.029] |
Currently unemployed | 0.009 [-0.003,0.021] |
0.506* [-0.042,1.054] |
0.046** [0.005,0.087] |
Past year equivalent income ($1,000s) | 0.0002 [-0.0002,0.001] |
-0.023 [-0.052,0.005] |
0.0001 [-0.001,0.002] |
N | 41,270 | 1,203 | 41,270 |
Estimated with probit. Coefficients are marginal effects and were estimated at mean values for other regressors. 95% confidence intervals in parentheses.
Estimated with OLS. Sample includes respondents who experienced one or more gambling-related problems within the past year. 95% confidence intervals in brackets.
Estimated with OLS. 95% confidence intervals in brackets.
Statistically significant, p ≤ 0.10;
Statistically significant, p ≤ 0.05;
Statistically significant, p ≤ 0.01.