Ectoderm induces NT-3 expression in limb mesenchyme. Limbs were isolated from E10.5 NT-3lacZ heterozygotes and cultured in vitro. (A) An intact hindlimb expresses NT-3, as assessed by X-Gal staining, but (B) a hindlimb lacking ectoderm does not. (C) A Northern blot containing mRNA isolated from limbs cultured with or without ectoderm (10 limbs per lane), probed for NT-3 and γ-actin. (D) NT-3lacZ hindlimb mesenchyme reconstituted with wild-type ectoderm exhibits lacZ expression, but (E) a hindlimb lacking ectoderm does not. (F) Forelimb shows strong lacZ expression, (G) whereas a forelimb lacking ectoderm does not. All limbs were cultured for 24 hours with the exception of (D) and (E), which were cultured for 48 hours. Bar, 0.5 mm.