Table 1.
Symbols and abbreviations
BFC | Bilateral free cordon system |
VSP-1W | Bilateral cordons with one pair of catching wires |
VSP-2W | Bilateral cordons with two pairs of catching wires |
3D | Three-dimensional |
a, b (a′, b′) | Slope and intercept of the linear relationship between primary (secondary) axis length and its number of phytomers |
αl | Elevation of the vector normal to the leaf surface (°) |
αs | Initial shoot elevation (°) |
αs,i | Elevation of the ith internode (°) |
B | Bias |
C × T | Cultivar – training system pair |
d (i, j) | Euclidian distance between i and j |
ΔX, ΔY, ΔZ | Difference between the coordinates X, Y, Z of the two buds on a single spur (cm) |
εint | Light interception efficiency. Two components are usually distinguished: the direct and diffuse components |
f | Fraction of diffuse light in the global incoming light |
ϕs | Angle between basal and distal tangents (°) |
GOB | Gobelet training system |
GRE | ‘Grenache’ |
HP | Hemispherical photograph |
ks | Kolmogorov–Smirnov test |
LAD | Leaf area density (m2 m–3) |
Lb | Length of the parallelogram used in the SOR definition |
Lin | Internode length |
Ls | Normalized length of the shoot |
MXs | Proportion of shoot accounting for half of the curvature |
n | Number of internodes on a shoot |
nb | Number of measured shoots |
nII | Number of phytomers on a branch |
ωb | Angle of the parallelogram used in the SOR definition |
RMSE | Root mean square error |
SOR | Surface of revolution |
sw | Shapiro–Wilks test |
SYR | ‘Syrah’ |
S | Variance–covariance matrix |
θl | Azimuth of the vector normal to the leaf surface (°) |
θs | Mean shoot azimuth (°) |
VHI | Virtual hemispherical image |
X0, Y0, Z0 | Coordinates of the origin of the shoot |
Xi, Yi, Zi | Basal coordinates of the ith internode |
xl, yl, zl | Coordinates of the proximal point of the leaf lamina |
x̄ | Mean vector of shoot parameters |
χ2 | Chi-squares test |