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. 2008 Jan 16;101(8):1167–1184. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcm170

Table 2.

Mean vector x̄ and normalized variance–covariance matrix S characterizing the multivariate normal distribution of shoot parameters (αs, ϕs, MXs, Ls) for the eight studied C × T pairs. Examples are taken from the azimuth sector facing south [(200°, 340°)]

αs ϕs Ls MXs αs αs Ls MXs
GOB αs 25·43 1·00 −0·09 −0·16 0·18 41·89 1·00 −0·60 0·08 −0·30
ϕs −42·10 −0·09 1·00 −0·33 0·11 −23·28 −0·60 1·00 −0·39 0·16
Ls 1·05 −0·16 −0·33 1·00 −0·20 1·11 0·08 −0·39 1·00 −0·02
MXs 0·41 0·18 0·11 −0·20 1·00 0·43 −0·30 0·16 −0·02 1·00
BFC αs 22·65 1·00 −0·10 −0·36 0·18 46·27 1·00 0·08 0·38 0·07
ϕs −44·06 −0·10 1·00 −0·43 0·13 −10·84 0·08 1·00 0·15 0·01
LEN 1·04 −0·36 −0·43 1·00 −0·20 1·04 0·38 0·15 1·00 −0·06
MXs 0·41 0·18 0·13 −0·20 1·00 0·45 0·07 0·01 −0·06 1·00
VSP-1W αs 60·64 1·00 −0·39 0·14 −0·14 58·04 1·00 −0·38 0·07 0·01
ϕs −62·66 −0·39 1·00 −0·46 0·12 −30·18 −0·38 1·00 −0·59 0·09
Ls 0·92 0·14 −0·46 1·00 −0·17 1·05 0·07 −0·59 1·00 −0·14
MXs 0·54 −0·14 0·12 −0·17 1·00 0·62 0·01 0·09 −0·14 1·00
VSP-2W αs 73·79 1·00 −0·23 −0·14 0·19 74·06 1·00 −0·35 −0·01 0·14
ϕs −56·40 −0·23 1·00 −0·63 0·00 −28·26 −0·35 1·00 −0·45 −0·20
Ls 1·03 −0·14 −0·63 1·00 −0·09 1·03 −0·01 −0·45 1·00 0·06
MXs 0·60 0·19 0·00 −0·09 1·00 0·62 0·14 −0·20 0·06 1·00