(a) Time dependence of ESA (λdet =
550 nm) along with monoexponential fits with constant offset of the
B800-B850 complex (□, τS1 = 7 ± 0.5
ps) and the B800-B820 complex (▪, τS1 =
6 ± 0.5 ps) of Rps. acidophila and LH2 of
Rb. sphaeroides (○, τS1 =
1.9 ± 0.5 ps) observed after TPE (λexc = 1,310
nm). The traces have been normalized and offset from each other by 0.2.
(b) Power dependence of the prefactor in the
monoexponential fit to the data of Rb. sphaeroides
(○). Power fit: Exponent = 2.2 ± 0.3 (solid
line). (c) Power dependence of the constant offset in
the fit to the data of Rb. sphaeroides (○).
Solid line: Linear fit. (d) Relative intensity of the
fluorescence obtained after TPE (λexc = 1,310 nm)
with linear and circular polarized light of B800-B850 of
Rps. acidophila (□, Ω = 0.80 ±
0.04) and LH2 of Rb. sphaeroides (○, Ω
= 0.84 ± 0.04).