Craniofacial morphology of the KMI strain at 8 wk of age. (A) Illustration of craniofacial measurements. CBL, condylobasal length; CZ, condylozygomatic length; C–M1, condylomolar (molar 1) length; I–M3, incisor–molar 3 length; Dias, length of diastema; NL, nasal length; ZW, zygomatic width; and IOW, interorbital width. (B through I) Comparisons of craniofacial measurements between heterozygous (mri/+, Het) and homozygous mutant (mri/mri, Ho) animals. Values shown are mean ± SD (n = 5). *, P < 0.05; +, P < 0.01; †P < 0.001 versus values for heterozygous animals.