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. 2009 Jul 1;102(7):278–286. doi: 10.1258/jrsm.2009.090092

Table 1.

Scottish Regional Treatment Centre, Stracathro (Netcare). Comparison of annual contract referral and cost specification with Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) 10-month interim review referral data and data reported to ISD at 30 September 2007 and 31 December 2007*

Activity group  Annual number of referrals contracted for  Referrals according to the PWC report 1 December 2006 – 30 September 2007  Procedures carried out and reported to ISD 1 December 2006 – 30 September 2007  Procedures carried out and reported to ISD 1 December 2006 – 31 December 2007 


    Volume  Annual contract percentage  Volume  Annual contract percentage  Volume  Annual contract percentage 
Joint replacement  542  Not available  Not available  1%  35  6% 
Minor orthopaedics§  303  Not available  Not available  148  49%  229  76% 
General surgery  1110  Not available  Not available  75  7%  123  11% 
ENT  144  Not available  Not available  59  41%  122  85% 
Plastic surgery§  113  Not available  Not available  80  71%  101  89% 
Urology  412  Not available  Not available  98  24%  145  35% 
Not in contract  Not applicable  Not available  Not available  35    76   
Total volume  2624  2200  84%  498  19%  831  32% 
Total value  £5,667,464  £2,642,000  47%  £533,213**  9%  £1,035,603**  18% 

ISD=Information Services Division


Not including outpatient assessments or unspecified additional activity from the contract

Fife, Grampian and Tayside health boards only (there were only four treatments from other health boards to 31 December 2007 worth £4908)

The Healthcare Resource Group codes H80 and H81 were used instead of H02, which had been coded incorrectly in original contract (personal communication with NHS Tayside Scottish Regional Treatment Centre contract manager, 2008)


All H13s counted as minor orthopaedics; there were no plastic surgery H13s (personal communication with NHS Tayside Scottish Regional Treatment Centre contract manager, 2008)


Our estimated figure based on HRG tariffs set out in the contract. We did not cost treatments which were ‘not in contract’