Graphs of the SAR and the spatial persistence parameter for each of
five tropical forests. (a) Log-log graph of the observed
species-area data. Each plot encompasses a total area
A0 = 50 ha. We measure the mean species
diversity, Si, found in disjoint patches
obtained by repeated bisections of A0. The
log-log species-area data are concave down for all five plots. The SAR
is approximated loosely by the power law, z = 0.25,
whose slope is indicated by the trapezoid (red). (b) The
persistence parameter, ai
provides a sensitive tool for analyzing SARs and testing
self-similarity. Self-similarity would predict constant
a ≃ 2−0.25 ≃ 0.84, shown in
red. All five persistence curves are seen to depart from the power-law
model over the entire range of areas.