Linearized physical maps of Buchnera plasmids carrying
the repA1-replicon. (A) Small, cryptic
plasmids from Buchnera of members of the family
Pemphigidae (P). (B) Leucine plasmids from
Buchnera of members of the families Thelaxidae (T),
Lachnidae (L), and Aphididae (A). Species abbreviations: Ps,
Pemphigus spyrothecae; Tc, Tetraneura
caerulescens; Gu, Geoica urticularia; Ts,
Thelaxes suberi; Tg, Tuberolachnus
salignus; Pp, Pterocomma populeum; Rp,
Rhopalosiphum padi; Sg, Schizaphis
graminum; Dn, Diuraphis noxia; and Ap,
Acyrthosiphon pisum. Leucine plasmids from
Buchnera of Sg, Dn, and Ap (17, 58) are highly similar
to pleu-BRp. Genes above lines are transcribed in rightward direction
and those below lines in leftward direction. Arrowheads indicate the
approximate position of the conserved region in the origin of
replication (ori) that contains three ATGC-repeats.