Figure 4.
Mean TIRF/EPI intensity ratios obtained for each antibody/protein and for each donor, when neutrophils were freely resting on glass. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean ratios. (A) The mean ratios acquired using the same antibody per cell adhesion molecule, for donor 1, 2, and 3 only. (B) The data gathered from donor 4 only. A second antibody was used against PSGL-1, LFA-1, and Mac-1 for this donor. An exposure of 200 ms was generally used. However donor 4 PSGL-1/PL1 and LFA-1/HI 111 experiments were performed using a 400-ms exposure and donor 4 PSGL-1/PL2 and LFA-1/clone 38 data were obtained using a 300-ms exposure.