Table I.
Proportion of APB-positive cells after treatment with 4OHT or vehicle
Cell lines | Treatmenta | APB+/total (%) |
c/ER/2 | EtOH | 26/239 (10.9) |
c/ER/2 | 4OHT | 28/215 (13.0) |
c/p53ER/7 | EtOH | 41/238 (17.2) |
c/p53ER/7 | 4OHT | 110/234 (47.0) |
c/p53ER/8 | EtOH | 47/258 (18.2) |
c/p53ER/8 | 4OHT | 108/240 (45.0) |
Cells were treated with 1 µM 4OHT or 0.01% ethanol (EtOH) for 4 d before being fixed for immunostaining.