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. 2009 Apr 30;107(1):168–175. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00121.2009

Table 2.

Gene pathways as classified by KEGG that were significantly changed by exercise in early (11 pathways)- and late (6 pathways)-pubertal girls

Pathway No. of Genes
P Value (EASE Score)
Natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity 22 18 2.8×10−4 1.8×10−5
Antigen processing and presentation 16 13 4.6×10−4 9.2×10−5
B cell receptor signaling pathway 14 10 5.7×10−4 1.3×10−3
Type I diabetes mellitus 9 7 5.6×10−3 4.9×10−3
Hematopoietic cell lineage 14 7.0×10−3 NS
Apoptosis 12 9 3.7×10−2 2.2×10−2
Adherens junction 11 3.7×10−2 NS
Jak-STAT signaling pathway 18 4.4×10−2 NS
Focal adhesion 22 2.8×10−4 NS
Ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis 16 4.6×10−4 NS
Glycan structures- biosynthesis 1 15 5.7×10−4 NS
Keratan sulfate biosynthesis 9 NS 2.6×10−2

EG, early-pubertal girls; LG, late-pubertal girls; KEGG, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes; EASE, Expression Analysis Systematic Explorer; NS, not significant.