(A) The position of mutations on a DsbB topological
model (16). The positions of the four essential cysteines and the two
missense mutations are indicated by bold and solid circles,
respectively. (B) Sequence alignments of DsbB
homologues. The source organisms are: Ec, E. coli; Sf,
Shigella flexneri; Va, Vibrio
alginolyticus; Hi, Hemophilus influenzae; Ea,
Enterobacter aminigenus; Bc, Burkholderia
cepacia; Pa, Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Rp,
Rickettsia prowazekii; Cj, Campylobacter
jejuni; and Bs, Bacillus subtilis. Black
highlighting, completely conserved amino acid residue; boldface, amino
acid residues identical in more than 60% but less than 100% of the
sequences compared; ∗, the position of Arg48.