Effect of oxygen limitation on the redox state of mutant DsbB. Strains
HK205 (wild type; lanes 1 and 5), HK207 (dsbB C41Y;
lanes 2 and 6), HK209 (dsbB R48C; lanes 3 and 7), and
HK211 (dsbB R48H; lanes 4 and 8) were grown in a test
tube aerobically in 5 ml (A) or semiaerobically in 20 ml
(B) of M63 minimal medium. Proteins of exponentially
growing cells were AMS-alkylated, separated by native SDS/PAGE, and
subjected to Western blotting with anti-DsbB antibody to detect the
oxidized (oxi) and the reduced (red) forms of DsbB. The position of a
molecular mass standard is indicated on the left. Note that wild-type
DsbB contains two additional nonessential cysteine residues that remain
in the sulfhydryl state and are subject to alkylation with AMS. As a
reference, the previously isolated dsbB C41Y mutant,
which renders DsbB fully reduced, was included in lanes 2 and 6. The
increase in the apparent molecular mass, as compared with the wild-type
strain, agrees well with the difference in the number of free cysteine
residues; 2 for wild-type and 5 for the C41Y mutant enzyme. Note also
the difference in the migration of DsbBs. R48C has one additional
cysteine over the wild type and R48H, thus it migrates slower than they