The Cole-Moore shift is reduced in the heterotetramers compared with 4wt. (A) The family of K+ current traces from representative oocytes expressing 4wt (top), 2wt/2mut (middle), and 1wt/3mut (bottom). The pulse protocol is represented in the top panel. The currents are the ones measured a +40 mV in each case, preceded by various prepulses in 20-mV increments. For 4wt, the 20-ms prepulse ranges from −160 to −40 mV, and for 2wt/2mut, it ranges from −180 to −40 mV (20-ms duration). For 4wt and 2wt/2mut, HP was −90 mV, and subtracting HP was −120 mV. For 1wt/3mut, HP was either −120 or −100 mV, and subtracting HP was −160 mV. In that case, a 200-ms prepulse (from −200 to −70 mV) was applied. The red line represents the fit to the data for the first 10 ms of the lower trace with Eq. 1. (B) The averaged exponent n of the fit of the data indicated by the red line in part A to Eq. 1 for the heterotetramers compared with 4wt. The number of oocytes is shown in parentheses. The dotted lines are located at an abscissa value of 4wt (7.5 ± 1.5); half of this value and a quarter of this value. Cut-open voltage clamp measurements. Experiments were performed at 6–8°C. The internal and external solutions contained 120 and 12 mM K+, respectively. *, P ≤ 0.05; **, P ≤ 0.01; ***, P ≤ 0.001.