Pathological result. (1) NS control group; (2) abciximab 0.2 mg/kg; (3) wt-hirudin 1.0 mg/kg; (4) r-RGD-hirudin 0.2 mg/kg; (5) r-RGD-hirudin 0.5 mg/kg; (6) r-RGD-hirudin 1.0 mg/kg: In group 1, thrombi were observed in anastomosis vessels; in group 2 and 4, after 3 days of anti-thrombotic therapy, vessels were partial patent. On the contrary, in other 3 groups, animals were treated by wt-hirudin (1.0 mg/kg), r-RGD-hirudin (0.5 mg/kg or 1.0 mg/kg) for 3 days, vessels were completely patent