VU0255035 blocks the CCh-induced potentiation of NMDAR currents in CA1
pyramidal cells. A, representative traces of NMDA-evoked currents obtained
from a typical experiment (top) and time course of normalized amplitude of
NMDAR currents before, during and after application of 10 μM CCh
(n = 9) (bottom). B, representative traces of NMDAR currents (top)
and time course of normalized amplitude of NMDAR currents in control, during
application of VU0255035 (5 μM) and application of VU0255035 with 10 μM
CCh, and washout (n = 7) (bottom), showing the ability of VU0255035
to block CCh-induced potentiation of NMDAR currents. C, summary of the peak
potentiation of NMDAR currents by 10 μM CCh in control (n = 9) and
in the presence of VU0255035 (n = 7) (p = 0.016). Data
represent mean ± S.E.M.