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. 2009 Jun 26;9:206. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-9-206

Table 2.

Expression profiles of selected genes and proteins from microarray analysis, RT-PCR, immunocytochemistry and western blot analysis.

Follistatin + - +/- - +++ +++ Microarray
+ - - - +++ ++ RT-PCR
+ +/- - - +++ +++ Protein exp

GAS6 (growth arrest specific protein 6) +/- +/- +/- +/- +++ +++ Microarray
+/- +/- +/- - +++ ++ RT-PCR
- - - +/- ++ ++ Protein exp

TAPA1/CD81 + missing ++ + +++ +++ Microarray
+ +++ + +/- +++ ++ RT-PCR
++ +++ +++ - ++ +++ Protein exp

AXL missing missing missing missing missing missing Microarray
++ + ++ + +++ ++ RT-PCR
+++ ++ +++ - ++ +++ Protein exp

GRO1/CXCL1 (chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1) +++ ++ ++ ++ + + Microarray
++ +++ + - ++ ++ RT-PCR
- +++ ++ - - - Protein exp

TPT1 (tumor protein, translationally controlled 1) ++ + ++ +/- +++ +++ Microarray
+++ ++ + +/- ++ + RT-PCR

TRIM23/Arfd1 (tripartite motif-containing 23) + + + + +++ +++ Microarray
+ + + ++ +++ ++ RT-PCR

CD82/Kai1 ++ ++ +++ + +++ +++ Microarray
+++ ++ ++ + +++ +++ RT-PCR

Camk2 (Ca/calmodulin dependent protein kinase typeII) ++ + + + +++ ++ Microarray
++ +++ + + ++ ++ RT-PCR

Eef1a (Elongation factor 1 alpha) ++ + + + +++ +++ Microarray
+++ + + + ++ ++ RT-PCR

The order of the scores in the table is 1) microarray, 2) RT-PCR, 3) protein analysis. The selected and compared genes were: Growth arrest specific 6 (gas6), follistatin (fst), AXL receptor tyrosine kinase (missing on the array), translationally-controlled 1 (TPT1), Kai (CD82), CD81 (Tapa-1), ADP-ribosylation factor domain protein 1 (Arfd1), Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (Camk2), growth regulated protein precursor CXCL1 and Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 (Eefa1). The levels of expression are compared within each method of measurement used and expressed within each group as +++ for the strongest expression measured. ++ was set for values ranging from 45–70% of the highest score (+) for 15–44% of the highest score, (+/-) for 1–14% of the highest score and (-) for no expression detected.