Figure 1.
Top Panels: D0 TEAV 1H-MRS voxel placement and resultant spectra from one study subject (Panels A–B). Bottom Panels: D14 TEAV 1H-MRS voxel placement and resultant spectrum (Panels C–D). Panel D inset: LC-Model Gly* fit spectrum extractions for D0 and D14. Resonance peak assignments are as follows: 1) N-acetylasparate, 2) glutamate, 3) total creatine, 4) choline, 5) Gly*, 6) myo-inositol, 7) glutamate/glutamine, 8) total creatine, 9) myo-inositol. Unsuppressed water line widths, which reflect metabolite line widths, for D0 and D14 averaged 7.84 ± 0.66 and 7.84 ± 0.44 Hz, respectively, indicating comparable water and metabolite line widths on the different scan days. Panels A and C demonstrate good voxel overlap in repeat scans. Panels B and D document the Gly* resonance and its change after glycine administration.