Figure 2. Suppression of Dicer increases PMP22 levels.
(A) In whole cell lysates (40 μg/lane), the suppression of Dicer by siRNA is confirmed using an anti-Dicer antibody, as compared to scrambled Neg. siRNA. Increased PMP22 protein is observed in cells transfected with Dicer siRNA. The arrowhead corresponds to a non-specific (n.s.) band and the bracket indicates PMP22. GAPDH serves as a loading control. Molecular mass in kDa. (B) Quantification of three independent experiments reveals that inhibition of Dicer expression results in an increase in PMP22 levels, as compared cells transfected with Neg. siRNA (*p<0.05). PMP22 levels were normalized to GAPDH as a loading control. (C) Dicer suppression is confirmed using an anti-Dicer antibody (green), as compared to Neg. siRNA transfected cells. Increased PMP22 in cells treated with Dicer siRNA is detected using an anti-PMP22 antibody (red). The arrow signifies the same cell in both panels for comparison. Hoechst dye is used to visualize nuclei. Scale bar, 10 μm.