Figure 3.
The monosynaptic response generated in cortical layer 4 by single thalamic neurons does not change with brain state but does change with preceding interspike interval. A–C, STCSD depth profiles generated in V1 during alert (left) and non-alert (right) brain states by spikes of a topographically aligned LGNd neuron. The cortical responses are shown that were generated by LGNd spikes with preceding interspike intervals that were short (5–20 ms; A), intermediate (100–200 ms; B), or long (500–3000 ms; C). The color gain settings are identical for each panel. D–F, For all of the VB and LGNd neurons studied, the amplitude of the monosynaptic responses generated in the cortex are shown for TC impulses that had preceding interspike intervals that were short (5–20 ms; D), intermediate (100–200 ms; E), or long (500–3000 ms; F). Response amplitudes did not differ between alert (x-axis) and non-alert (y-axis) states. In D and E, the mean amplitude of the monosynaptic response for each state is indicated by the asterisks.