Figure 1.
Heading task and behavioral performance. (a) Monkeys were seated on a motion platform and translated within the horizontal plane. A projector mounted on the platform displayed images of a 3D star field, thus providing optic flow. (b) After fixating a visual target, the monkey experienced forward motion with a small leftward or rightward (arrow) component, and subsequently reported his perceived heading ('left' vs. 'right') by making a saccadic eye movement to one of two targets. (c) Example psychometric functions from one session (~30 stimulus repetitions). The proportion of 'rightward' decisions is plotted as a function of heading, and smooth curves are best fitting cumulative Gaussian functions. White circles, gray squares, and black triangles represent data from the vestibular, visual and combined conditions, respectively. (d, e) Average psychophysical thresholds from two monkeys (Monkey C, N=57; Monkey A, N=72) for the 3 stimulus conditions, and predicted thresholds computed from optimal cue integration theory (light gray bars). Error bars: SEM.