Figure 5.
Q-PCR analysis of mRNAs for proteins involved in steroidogenesis. Q-PCR results are expressed as fold difference compared to control. Panel A, StAR; Panel B, P450scc; Panel C, CYP17; Panel D, Inhibin; Panel E, CYP19; Panel F, 3β-HSD; Panel G, 11β-HSD; Panel H, model for steroidogenesis. Green boxes refer to mRNAs that are significantly decreased by the treatment in accordance with the Q-PCR graphs illustrated within the panels. Yellow boxes refer to mRNAs that are not significantly changed by the treatments. FHM were treated with TEG, 2, 5, 10 or 50 ng EE2/L. StAR, steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, P450scc, Cytochrome P450 side chain cleavage enzyme, CYP17, Cytochrome P450 17, CYP 19, gonadal aromatase, inhibin, hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases including 3β-HSD and 11β-HSD.