Recall by sensitivity scattergram |
Shows how sensitivity (on y-axis) increases with recall rate (on x-axis)
Includes individual radiologists as single points and a regression line summarizing the relation between sensitivity and recall
Highlights range of recall rates for which radiologists had the best sensitivity
Shows how one performance measure relates to another
Easy to compare performance with everyone else
Visually easy to see individual performance
Highlighted range gives a goal
Vertical bar graph with benchmark |
Shows sensitivity (on y-axis) over time (past 5 years on x-axis) with different vertical bars for individual radiologists, practice facility, entire state, and BCSCa
Includes single line that indicates 85% sensitivity as benchmark
Easy to compare individual performance with facility or region
Benchmark gives a goal, radiologists can easily see if they were over or under line
Seeing data over time shows trends
Single-page table |
Includes all statistics outlined in BI-RADS audit
Shows cumulative numbers and percentages for screening mammograms done by individual radiologists compared with entire state from time they started practicing mammography through past year
Provides same statistics for all mammograms (screening and diagnostic)
A lot of numbers on one page
Wanted to see screening and diagnostic examinations separately
No comparisons to colleagues at one's own facility or over time
2 × 2 table |
Shows positive and negative mammogram assessments on left and cancer diagnoses across top for a single year
Includes numbers for true-positives, false-positives, false-negatives, and true-negatives
Includes equations and calculations for sensitivity, specificity, and PPV
Straightforward and easy to understand
Like having sensitivity, specificity, and PPV calculated
Color-coded chart |
Summarizes performance over 1 year across facilities on a single page
Performance is indicated with colored boxes instead of numbers (green = achieved target, yellow = achieved minimum standard but not target, red = failed minimum standard)
Color-coded horizontal bar graphb
Summarizes outcomes associated with detriments (recall and biopsy rates) and benefits (cancer detection rates) of screening mammography
Color-coded bars show whether radiologists achieved target (green), achieved minimum standard but not target (yellow), or failed to reach minimum standard (red)
Targets are displayed as over or under 100%