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. 2009 Jul 14;339:b2538. doi: 10.1136/bmj.b2538

Table 6.

Cost effectiveness on the basis of three months of treatment, base case assumptions*

Cost per 10<thin>000 people treated (£) QALYs gained per 10<thin>000 people treated ICER† (£ per QALY) Comparator
People at low risk of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular adverse events (age 55 with no risk factors)
No treatment 0 0.0 - -
Paracetamol (3000 mg)§ 127 708 10.0 - -
Diclofenac (100 mg) plus proton pump inhibitor 198 117 28.4 6964 No treatment
Naproxen (750 mg) plus proton pump inhibitor§ 298 657 35.2 - -
Ibuprofen (1200 mg) plus proton pump inhibitor§ 350 864 39.1 - -
Etoricoxib (30 mg) plus proton pump inhibitor 580 668 72.9 7472 Diclofenac (100 mg) plus proton pump inhibitor
Celecoxib (200 mg) plus proton pump inhibitor 790 859 92.5 10 745 Etoricoxib (30 mg) plus proton pump inhibitor
People at high risk of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular adverse events (age 65 or with risk factors)
No treatment 0 0.0 - -
Paracetamol (3000 mg)§ 127 965 10.9 - -
Diclofenac (100 mg) plus proton pump inhibitor‡ 230 640 −26.0 - -
Naproxen (750 mg) plus proton pump inhibitor‡ 352 079 −32.5 - -
Ibuprofen (1200 mg) plus proton pump inhibitor‡ 441 537 −23.6 - -
Etoricoxib (30 mg) plus proton pump inhibitor§ 600 650 46.3 - -
Celecoxib (200 mg) plus proton pump inhibitor 841 035 80.4 10 458 No treatment

*Note that the results presented here do not exactly match those presented in Osteoarthritis: National clinical guideline for care and management in adults, Appendix D. This is owing to minor data input changes and also because the model was re-run with etoricoxib 30 mg plus proton pump inhibitor included in the base case analysis.

†Incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER): additional cost per additional quality adjusted life year (QALY) gained comparing each non-dominated option with the next most expensive, non-dominated option.

‡Treatment subject to “simple dominance”: another option is less expensive and more effective.

§Treatment subject to “extended dominance”: a combination of two other options is less expensive and more effective.