Reduced MMP-2 activity in DA.F344(Cia5d) explains the reduced invasive properties of FLS. A, Gelatin zymography showed significantly lower levels of active MMP-2 in supernatants of DA.F344(Cia5d) FLS (n = 6) compared with DA FLS (n = 7) after 24 hours in culture. The results are representative of experiments involving 11 DA and 8 DA.F344(Cia5d) rats, in which 4 µg of protein per FLS cell line supernatant per lane was loaded. B, Gelatin zymography of supernatants of DA, DA.F344(Cia5d), and F344 FLS showed reduced levels of activated MMP-2 in DA.F344(Cia5d) and F344 rats compared with DA rats (8 µg of protein per FLS cell line supernatant per lane was loaded). C, Gelatin zymography of supernatants of naive DA FLS (n = 5) and naive DA.F344(Cia5d) FLS (n = 4) demonstrated low levels of active MMP-2, similar to those in FLS from DA.F344(Cia5d) rats with pristane-induced arthritis (PIA) but significantly lower than those in FLS from DA rats with PIA (8 µg of total protein per cell line culture supernatant was loaded). D, Treatment with the MMP-2 inhibitor SB-3CT (compared with DMSO as control) significantly reduced the invasive properties of FLS from DA rats to levels similar to those of FLS from untreated DA.F344(Cia5d). DA.F344(Cia5d) FLS treated with SB-3CT also exhibited a modest reduction in invasive properties, consistent with low MMP-2 activation. Values are the mean and SD results for 5 different cell lines per group. * = P ≤ 0.001 versus untreated DA rats; # = P = 0.027 versus untreated DA rats; ¶ = P = 0.008 versus untreated DA.F344(Cia5d) rats, by t-test. See Figure 3 for other definitions.